[The joy of living with one less thing]
During the process of moving, I decided to try living without buying a refrigerator and really enjoyed “living with one less thing”.
Rather than living with an extremely small number of possessions, I felt joy in the fact that maybe I could make do with just one less thing.
There was a simple satisfaction in changing a little of my life at a time, as opposed to a large, sudden change.
It doesn’t have to be an item as big as a refrigerator. For example, you can start out with just one less towel.
In a week I don’t think there will be that big of an effect, but day by day, I feel this will gradually influence how you see the world.
【ひとつなくても生きていけることの喜び】 私は引越しの過程で、冷蔵庫を買わずに暮らすということをやってみて、 「無くても生きていける」ということが嬉しかった。 ものすごく少ない量で生きていることよりも、 「ひとつ」なくてもいいかもしれない、ということに気づく喜び。 ガラリと変えることではないけど、「少し」変えることの地味な達成感。 冷蔵庫ほど大きいものじゃなくても、例えばタオルを一枚減らすとか。 一週間くらいではそんなに影響を与えないけど、日々、じわじわと自分の価値観に影響を与えていく感じがします。
2016, KINTO Minami