2017,installation by Kinto Minami and Kaai Ogaya
2017,single channel video installation including sound(5:00min),costume/fablic,bell,wire and string used to the performance by Kinto Minami collaborated with Umeda Yutaka
2017,single channel video installation including sound(5:00min),costume/fablic,bell,wire and string used to the performance by Kinto Minami collaborated with Umeda Yutaka
- Video
play writing by Umeda Yutaka and Kinto Minami
Video installation, performance and sound by Kinto Minami
camera and technique adviser by Yamagata Issei
crew Okamura Yuka and more.
2017年5月31日(水) – 6月6日(火) 各日10:30~20:00 ※会期中無休
伊勢丹新宿店本館5階 =リビング/アートフレーム内
ディレクション カオス*ラウンジ
ISETAN ニューアーティスト・ディスプレイ内の展示です。