My teacher recommend “The Book of Tea”
My teacher in Shin-geijyutsu School (New Art school) recommended “The book of Tea” for me to read. I started reading it and wished to write a blog about it.
It is an assignment given to everyone in the class.
I will be using the important points or lessons from the book as I write a blog about it.
Outline of this book
Kakuzo Okakura, who was known in America as a scholar, art critic, and Curator of Chinese and Japanese Art at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, directed almost his entire adult life toward the preservation and reawakening of the Japanese national heritage — in art, ethics, social customs, and other areas of life — in the face of the Westernizing influences that were revolutionizing Japan around the turn of the century.
This modern classic is essentially an apology for Eastern traditions and feelings to the Western world — not in passionate, oversentimental terms, but with a charm and underlying toughness which clearly indicate some of the enduring differences between the Eastern and Western mind. Okakura exhibits the distinctive “personality” of the East through the philosophy of Teaism and the ancient Japanese tea ceremony. This ceremony is particularly revelatory of a conservative strain in Japanese culture; its ideals of aesthetic tranquility and submission to the ways of the past find no parallel in the major cultural motifs of the West.
Not only does he discuss the tea ceremony and its rigid formalities, and the cult and patterns of belief surrounding tea and tea-drinking, but Okakura also considers religious influences, origins, and history, and goes into the importance of flowers and floral arrangements in Japanese life — their proper appreciation and cultivation, great tea-masters of the past, the tea-room with its air of serenity and purity, and the aesthetic and quasi-religious values pervading all these activities and attitudes.
Okakura’s English style was graceful, yet exceptionally clear and precise, and this book is one of the most delightful essay-volumes to the English language. It has introduced hundreds of thousands of American readers to Japanese thinking and traditions. This new, corrected edition, complete with an illuminating preliminary essay on Okakura’s life and work, will provide an engrossing account for anyone interested in the current and central themes of Oriental life.
隠 Hide a beauty
As Charles Lamb said, “The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action by stealth, and to have it found out by accident.” For the Way of Tea, “accepting one’s smallness and avoiding attachment to candid expression” is Tenshin’s idea of “beauty.”
From a modern perspective, humans are soiled by their lives in earthly society. The idea of distancing oneself from society and schooling and placing oneself in nature is has been passed down from Lao-tse to the tradition of Taoism.
Despite saying I am a minimalist and I don’t need “things”, I collect works of art. And without food I cannot live. This surely shows in what I write, the art that I produce and in my accessories too. What I own expresses my individuality. I both intend and do not intend this. This is written in Okakura Tenshin’s “Mono Ni Kanzureba Tsui Ni Ware Nashi.
The artwork has a its character. Okakura says that Grade and it becomes criteria of art critic.If we put the word of “Dignity” in other word to “Grade”,it turns to nonsense to discuss about the Person’s Dignity and the work’s Grade in the same topic.
However, artworks are both strange and mysterious organisms. AN author does not think at all of painting a work with personality or idiosyncrasies, yet the work ends up embodies by these very characteristics.
Perhaps accepting this contraction is heart of the world of beauty that pursues an ideal beyond this earthly realm.
To express oneself forcefully is not the way. One must keep one’s contradictions buried inside while also grasping and nurturing the “dignity” to be expressed. The Way of Tea is the art of hiding beauty to discover beauty – it purposely hints at an hesitation to express oneself.
芸 Become the nature
Tea masters strive to become more than just artists, to become art itself.
For one’s way of life to be art in itself, say, by filling a simple cup of tea under a single roof, feels similar to the thinking of Dominique Loreau.
This is because the realization that people with such refinement exists in a world stained with vulgarity drives straight to the heart. Such a “mindless” and overwhelmingly romantic person is depicted in Sen no Rikyu’s final tea ceremony.
Minami KINTO
「茶の本」は最後の述作であり、天心円熟期の代表作として広く知られている。原名は“The Book of Tea”で、明治三十九(1906)年五月に刊行された。
天心は、英文による以外の述作を一切残しておらず、本書はまさに“岡倉天心著作集”であるといっていいであろう。(p.413 茶の本)
隠 Hide a beauty
私はモノは要らないと言いつつ作品をコレクションし、且つ飯を食わないと生きていけない。これは、私が書く文章に、作る作品に、アクセサリー類に現れているだろう。私が持つモノにも私の個性が表出している。それをしようと私が思おうと思うまいと。「岡倉天心 物ニ観ズレバ竟ニ吾無シ」に、こう書かれている。
虚 Religious and ordinary lifestyles
芸 Become the nature
“Smile at a foolishness”と、花が愚かしさに微笑んでいると言って、人と自然とを対等に置けるのも、人間が自然に身を委ね、自然もまた人間の作った茶道の中で輝くからこそ成り立つ絶妙なバランスの美学である。
おまけ:岡倉天心 物ニ観ズレバ竟ニ吾無シ
天心という名が、最初は落款代わりに使われ、書簡でも公的文書でも使われなかったというのは驚いた。再興日本美術院の人たちによって、岡倉先生を天心と呼ぶようになったようだ(p.6 参照)