「呪いの剥がし方」の話 The story of the power of giving “curse” a shape and tearing it off


It was the most preposterous position in which I ever found myself in my life,

I really love Pelican-bread.


This drawing was drown when  I stayed in Korea.


This is in Harajuku.

I am going to go London.I am looking forward to see Markets and Gallerys!

And also I want to see the River.

I wondered whether I’ll get a Pocket Wi-Fi, but also try to the free-sim card.

Must Find a vending machine for micro-sim, not sim.
(‘ – ‘) If it have to cut the sim… , I will be confuse (^-^)

Tomorrow,I will do performance.

I will take my performance.Look forward to it!


「呪いの剥がし方」の話 The story of the power of giving “curse” a shape and tearing it off

There are many “curses” in the world. Every word saying “you’re useless” is a “curse”. One sad fact feels like a very heavy weight on top of you. As if someone is sitting on you. A thought is like a human weight and that’s why I always think that by masking it and giving it a shape, we can turn it into an “object” that we can actually tear off. The power of giving “curse” a shape and tearing it off, is unfathomable.



そのワックスの部分みたいなのを作るのが好き。「意味がなかった」こともあるって、ちゃんと認めたり、むっとすることがあって、それがうまく昇華できないなら、それはそれで、「呪い」として形を見つめてあげて、ちゃんと剥がす。(心理学の本読んでた時、昇華 が一番いいやり方!みたいだったけど、依存とかよりはそりゃいいかもしれないけど、でも、それしか方法がないみたいでつらいなあと思ったよ。)意味がないこともあるし、無駄で、やらなければよかったこともある。 悲しいだけのこともある。 そういうことを、ああ、そうなんだって、ちゃんと見詰められるときの冷静さが、ひとつ、呪いから自立した在り方なのかな。


And this is my friend’s exhibition↓


wada yuina solo exhibition


弓指寛治 個展「Sur-Vive!」
Kanji Yumisasi solo exhibition


Check it!
