2 Sep. #diary
I got eggplants from Isao Arawatari @aravvatari the Artist and the farmer.
This is like a small boll.
I ate curry Almost Every day in this summer, and I also eat the curry this autumn with these veritable!
#diary 31 Aug.
Fav cup.
My follow Instagramer up this original cup.
It is simple but so creative,
golden stripes, white bases.
Yesterday, my friends and I did the small handy fireworks. This is good for end of the summer. I mistook Asagaya for Koenji. I lost my way…
5 Sep
But good day. I went to my friend house.
Children of Blood and Bone
By Tomi Adeyemi
Everything changed once magic disappeared. It’s like a technology. With a fantasy world rich in the history.