I join the group exhibition Now
Good Morning.
I am early bird.
I am join the group exhibition in TAV gallery.
Look! Mine and Ichiro Endo’s work are in the same room.
I am happy,hihi.
We will do artists talk in TAV gallery at Aug 20th.
come come!
阿佐ヶ谷のTAV GALLERYにて「現在戦争画展」に参加しています。8月20日にトークをするのでぜひ!私も話します。
そういえば、モスクワから日本に旅行に来ている4人家族にちょこっと新宿mapを書いたのですが、本当にFree Wi-fiスポット少ないですね。
How to go to Narita
Discount Highway Bus operated by Keisei group : Tokyo area – Narita Airport
900 yen.
In London
I recommend the citymapper.
This is usefull.
This told us distance, direction and bus schedule.
I bought a 7 days pass of train and bus.(Zone 2)
Bus is free to use not only Zone2 but also everywhere.(Only London).
Tate Briten to Tate Modern.
By the ship.
In the pub.
My friend reccomended me the ASAHI.
But I can drink it Japan too.
So I chose Giness.
Tate Briten.
They have a performance.
I went there by bus.
British Museum.
I think Big art work heal artist’s heart.
The astrology shop.
My Super year is 2017.
It will be come!hihi.
I like to use Bus.
Victoria Coach Bus information.
Oxford market.