How to read a book faster with minimalistic thinking

2016-04-27 09.08.28 (1)

I was late with reading the book.
So I use this rules based on minimalistic thinking.

  1. Scan and read it in your spare time
  2. Give books to your friends to free up space
  3. 【Litghning Write】Take note of a sentence which strikes you like lightning, like, “This is it!”


Scan and read it in your spare time

1, Discard the fixed notion that we need to spend chunks of time

Scan books that you do not need to read right now or books that are heavy, and you can read them in your spare time.
This can help you clear the space that has been hidden under the books you were going to read but have not done so, and to help you be clear about which book to read. When reading a book, if you are not settled and have thoughts like, “Which book shall I read?” and “I haven’t touched that book for a long time,” it is not easy to focus. It is good to first put out of sight, the books that can be read later.

Give books to your friends to free up space

2, Get rid of the pressure of not having read books that you were going to read


If it is not a book that you wish to bother scanning to read, why not give it to your friend or a secondhand bookshop with courage. There is definitely someone who will cherish reading it.
Let’s see if the “books you wanted to keep with care” have turned into “books you cannot let go of because you cannot focus, resulting in books that are piled up that you intend to read in future.”

【Litghning Write】Take note of a sentence which strikes you like lightning, like, “This is it!”

3, Discard the notion that you have to read everything

To read fast, for the parts that you wish to keep in mind, don’t use a Post-it or underline, but make a note with your own handwriting. Don’t forget the page number. This way, you will be freed from the notion that you have to read everything in a book, and even if you read a little bit hurriedly, you can find a sentence that is like a treasure for you.










  1. スキャンして空き時間で読む
  2. 友人に譲ってスペースを空ける
  3. 【ライトニングライト】「ここだ!」と脳に稲妻が走った箇所を1センテンスでメモする

















