



KINTO Minami 金藤みなみ

b.1988 Tokushima prefecture, Japan. Lives and Works in Tokyo, Japan

Starting a career as a costume / a prop artist, I am approaching with embroidery, novels, etc. Mainly focusing on the performance bases of interviews and researches to the people called the stranger.

The main solo exhibition are “THE CRYING WOMEN”in dongsomun, Korea, 2018. “THE DOUBLE KISS, Sumida river Kisu Kiss ”  Awoba-so, Tokyo, 2013.
The group exhibitions are “Dr. ART witnessed! The exhibition of the secret of Tokushima” TOKUSHIMA CITY TOKUSHIMA CASTLE MUSEUM (Tokushima, 2020),  “KINTO Minami’s Taming of the Shrew” Garou-Atochi (Tokyo, 2019), “Nuigurumu!” Shinjuku Ganka Gallery(Tokyo, 2019), “DMZ art festival” DMZ Arts Festival (Korea, 2017) , “Alternative, Change, Exhibition” GALLERY X BY PARCO (Tokyo, 2017), , “HAN-GON-KOH” Saihouji (Tokyo, 2017), “BOYS LOVE – Flower- ” Nogata’s blank (Tokyo, 2017), KINTO Minami + Gili Lavy “Croquettes from Israel” Nao Nakamura (Tokyo, 2016) and others.
The main performance is “KINTO Minami’s Hachi-Kaduki-Princess performance My mom eye’s view”TOKUSHIMA CITY TOKUSHIMA CASTLE MUSEUM (Tokushima, 2020), “A white feathered arrow” Spiral(SICF festival, Tokyo, 2019), “Real pure land of Minami and prostitutes” Outdoor (Tokyo, 2017), the main video work screening “A-ru-ku” TAV GALLERY (Tokyo, 2015) .


2016 Graduated Genron chaos*lounge new art school, high level course, Tokyo, Japan

2013 MA Oil Painting Dept. Tama Art University, Tokyo,  Japan

2012 Studied as an Exchange student Hongik University, Seoul, Korea

2011 BFA Oil painting Dept. Joshibi University of Art and Design, Japan

> Awards and Grants

2016 Selected for Tokyo wonder seed 2016 by Tokyo wonder site

2015 Winner of Shibuya-Culture Festival Kappa Shishou(Ichiro Endo) art prize, dig up the star 2015

2015 Winner of Award the Ruth Katzman Scholarship for the League Residency at VYT in New York, U.S.

2015 Nominated for Taro Okamoto Prize

2012 Nominated for zarodate/odate Prize by Masato Nakamura

2011 JOSHIBI Art Museum Yoshiyuki Kato commemoration prize,the Joshibi art museum prize

>Solo Exhibition

2020.8 KINTO Minami solo exhibition “The Mask Women” Tsurumi Salvia hall, Kanagawa Japan, http://www.salvia-hall.jp/
2018.11 KINTO Minami solo exhibition / dongsomun, Seoul Korea
2013 “THE DOUBLE KISS:The walk of road in Sumida” awobaso,Tokyo Japan
2012 “KOGANECHO SHADOW WORK:The walk of road in Koganecho” mujikobo ,Kanagawa Japan
2011 “Joshibi-New-eye” Ginza Gallery Joshibi,Tokyo Japan


2022.3 Stilllive Performance Art Summit Tokyo 2022──Tribute of Performance Anthology, Goethe-Institut Tokyo, https://www.stilllive.org/
2019.5 SICF: Spiral Independent Creators Festival PLAY part joined as an performing artist, Spiral, Tokyo
2017,performance the real pure land for Minami and Yujo, Shinjuku Tokyo


2015 “Minami Kinto screening, w-a-l-k” TAV GALLERY, Tokyo Japan

2015 Maebashi media festival,Shopping street of Maebashi-Benten,Tokyo Japan

>Selected Group Exhibition and Projects

2020.1 “Dr. ART witnessed! The exhibition of the secret of Tokushima”(2020.JAN.9-24, TOKUSHIMA CITY TOKUSHIMA CASTLE MUSEUM, Tokushima, Japan)

2019.7 TAV GALLERY 5th Anniversary Exhibition「MID CORE」 2019. JUL. 6– JUL.21 , TAV GALLERY, Tokyo, Japan

2019.5 Planning “KINTO Minami’s the Taming of the Shrew”, Garou Atochi, Tokyo

2019.5 SICF: Spiral Independent Creators Festival Exhibition part joined as team nuigurumu! , Spiral, Tokyo
2019 Group Exhibition “Nuigurumu!”, Shinjuku Ganka gallery, Tokyo, Japan

2017.10 Group Exhibition “2017 DMZ International Civilian Control Zone”/DMZ,Korea
2017.10 Group Exhibition “Shibu-karu-Matsuri”/galleryX by PARCO,Tokyo Japan
2017.8. Group Exhibition “BOYS LOVE -flower-“/Nogata no Kuhaku,Tokyo Japan

2017.5. Group Exhibition “ISETAN new artist display“/ISETAN Shinjuku,Tokyo Japan

2017.3. Group Exhibition “反魂香―再演 Han-Gon-Koh-Replay” /西方寺 Sai-Ho-Zi,Tokyo Japan

2017.2, Group Exhibition “Post festum” /genron chaos*lounge Gotanda atelier,Tokyo Japan

2017.2, Group Exhibition “反魂香 Han-Gon-Koh” /西方寺 Sai-Ho-Zi,Tokyo Japan

2016.12, blanClass series playing the drama that written by Daisuke Kishii “Clan to protect the Roppongi Hills” /blanClass,Kanagawa Japan

2016, Trance Arts Tokyo /Tsukasa 3331

2016.10, Planning Croquette came from Israel”, /naonakamura,Tokyo Japan

2016.8  “Current war painting exhibition”  /TAV GALLERY, Tokyo Japan

2016, Shinjuku-Shinju2,100 match/Genron-chaos-lounge Gotanda atelier

2016, JOSHIBI curator’s selection, JOSHIBI gallery nike, Tokyo Japan

2016, independent exhibition“mantle” galleryFm, Tokyo Japan

2016, start the project of 100 match with Yuri Sakai

2015 The league Residency at VYT open studio, NY

2015 independent exhibition“mantle” Tokyo culture-art by BEAMS, Tokyo Japan

2015 “12th Graphic 1_WALL Exhibition event portfolio review” Guardian Garden,Tokyo Japan

2015 “Taro Okamoto selected contemporary art show” Kawasaki Taro Okamoto Museum, Tokyo Japan

2014 “the Anti War: Resistance against the Anticipated War exhibitionSNOW Contemporary, Tokyo Japan

2013 “Zerodate Art Exhibition”Zerodate art center,Akita Japan 2014 “3331 independent exhibition”3331 arts CYD,Tokyo Japan

2013 “GIGMENTA2013″ HIGURE 17-15 cas ,Tokyo Japan

2012 “YOBU YOBU YOBU:call call call” Turner Gallery,Tokyo Japan

2012 “Open art and design critique event at the Co-Core show in Helsinki”Sanoma house Mediatori ,Helsinki Finland

2011 “Hongik Art Museum exhibition”Hongik Art Museum,Seoul Korea


 2015, The Katzman scholarship to The league Residency at VYT


2017, the real pure land for Minami and Yujo

2017, Envelopes stories the BOYS LOVE

2017, Return to Shibuya


2013 Shibuhouse is selected Discursive platform by Mori Art Museum

2013 Artist-in-residence program “zerodate”in Akita Japan

2013 Art and Culture exchange Asia Open Meeting “Portfolio Cafe” Koganecho studio D-site,Kanagawa Japan

2014 Stage costume “Collar of the Noraneko” sons wo:,Theater green Box in Box [Festival / Tokyo]/Tokyo Japan, Man-nen-bashi-Park-Building/Osaka Japan

2015 one-wall “Portfolio Review ” Gardian garden,Tokyo Japan

2016.11, The true newcomer-Artists Bi-techo is not sure ,pundit’ reception Vol.2/pundit,Tokyo Japan

2016.12, blanClass on air studio /blanClass,Kanagawa Japan

2016.12,Linkage Film Festival website screening/Linkage Film Festival, on website


2013 精霊「あけら」、黄金町から大岡川を下る。 芸術家・金藤みなみ (ドクガクテツガク)

2013 不連続線の真上に立って/ノンセクションの10 (「芸術は後半へ続く」Nichecraft 辻本直樹)

2014  リサーチャー紹介7 金藤みなみ(カンパニーふるまい)

2014 【ブログー原宿】アーティスト女子会

2015 芸術超人カタログ「金藤みなみ」(岡本奇太郎/小説推理2015年2月号) 東京都

2015 阿佐ヶ谷で赤い△の被り物が象徴のアーティストによる映像上映会(マイナビニュース2015年3月30日配信)

2016 Joshibi-Nike press vol.8
